More Visits To Godmanchester Nature Reserve

It seems such a long time since I last posted!  Things have just been so crazy round here!  I’ve still been taking photos and visiting places but never seem to be able to find the time to write a blog post or two!

To rectify this, today I’ve got some photos from two separate visits to the Godmanchester Nature Reserve.

30th October 2015

My first visit was much more interesting than today’s visit.  For a start the weather was nicer and there was generally a lot more colour around, from autumn leaves, to fruits and the odd fungi!  There was also much more wildlife about.  Birds list for this day included a large amount of egrets, cormorants, swans, tufted ducks, greylag geese, Canadian geese, coots, great crested grebes, a number of gulls and the odd heron.

9th November 2015

There was much less to see on this visit.  The weather was cold and very windy.  If you go the right way, you can now get a great view over Teddy’s lake where I had the lucky spot of a kingfisher darting across the water.  Sadly no photo, I waited around hoping it would come out from the bank but the cold got the better of me.  There was much less wildlife too, particularly on the islands on Island Lake.  I didn’t see any of the lesser black backed gulls, geese or egrets but I did see a number of coots, a couple of great crested grebes, a number of tufted ducks, cormorants, swans and a surprising number of herons (or the same one was stalking me…).  I believe I also saw two pairs of wigeons, but they were too far away to properly identify even with the zoom on my camera, particularly for someone who’s not seen one before!

This entry was published on November 9, 2015 at 5:06 pm. It’s filed under Godmanchester Nature Reserve and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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